PAM: The Future of Art Transactions
A Blockchain-Based Utility Token for Seamless Art Exchange Executive Summary The art world faces persistent challenges, including fragmented payment systems, lack of transparency, and high transaction fees. PAM (Perfect Art Match) is a blockchain-powered utility token designed to unify and streamline transactions across the entire art ecosystem, from visual arts and music to architecture and design. PAM enables a decentralized, transparent, and efficient system, empowering artists, streamlining payments, and fostering trust. Built on Ethereum, PAM offers features such as a unified medium of exchange, smart contracts, community rewards, and exclusive access to curated experiences. Join PAM to transform the art economy into an inclusive, fair, and sustainable global ecosystem. Problem Statement The global art industry, encompassing all creative domains, faces significant challenges: 1. Lack of Transparency: Opaque pricing and difficulty verifying authenticity or provenance. 2. Fragmented Payment Systems: Inefficient and costly systems with no universal medium of exchange. 3. High Transaction Costs: Intermediaries reduce creator earnings and inflate buyer costs. 4. Limited Accessibility: Barriers to entry for independent creators and smaller galleries. 5. Trust Issues: Fraud and counterfeiting undermine confidence in the market. A new, transparent, and inclusive system is needed to address these challenges. Solution PAM solves these challenges with its innovative blockchain-based utility token: 1. Transparency: Immutable transaction records on Ethereum. 2. Unified Medium of Exchange: Streamlined payments for all art forms. 3. Low Costs: Reduced reliance on intermediaries. 4. Accessibility: Enabling global reach for creators of all kinds. 5. Trust: Smart contracts for secure transactions and royalties. 6. Rewards: Incentives for ecosystem engagement. 7. Exclusive Access: Curated events and premium content for token holders. PAM bridges the gap between the online and offline art worlds, empowering creators and fostering community. PAM ICO (initial coin offering) will start soon, there are many steps to make and we need some more partners and work. Dear Artists, if you do not work yet with crypto, PAM is about to be create as a token which will be the "money" to buy, sell, make contracts, create events...etc etc for art, music, architecture. This is our dream We move to the next level of transparency. We will keep you informed about our progress.
You can find some photos and films from that beautiful day.
Yes, it was a lot of work for such a short time... I would have loved to be able to have a longer event with you, all artists and art lovers coming to visit That is why, the next one, in November will be inside and will be at least one week and hopefully 2 The artists are already happy to think about it and to prepare This time also new artists will come You choose, you have to subscribe on this website and you have the right to participate at our events 4 Critical Steps to Sell More Artby Jason Horejs September 15, 2011 112Posted in Art Marketing For Artists
“What do you do?” you’ve been asked many times. “I am an artist” is most likely the response that instantly comes to your lips. You have probably been giving this answer from a very early age. No matter what else you’ve done in your life, being an artist is the core of your identity. For a few minutes today, I want to encourage you to make a silent addition to your response. You will still answer “I am an artist,” but in your mind you will add “and, I am a salesperson.” I know the suggestion might be slightly unpleasant. Many artists (maybe you?) feel that artistic integrity and salesmanship are incompatible. I have found, however, that the most successful artists are those who have developed strong sales skills. Whether you are trying to sell directly, at an art festival or open studio tour, or indirectly by approaching a gallery with your work, sales skills are going to help you reach your goal. That goal is to help people who love your art buy it. When I first started selling art almost 20 years ago, I had very little idea of what it took to sell. I think my general attitude was, “the art will sell itself.” In the years since I have learned that the art will generate interest, but it is much more likely to sell if I do and say the right things. While there are many elements to a successful sale, the process itself is simple once you understand your role. Today I would like to discuss just a few key steps that will help you better sell your art. These are guidelines I have developed, and continue to develop, through many years of selling art. Build Strong Relationships Look at each viewer of your work as a person. Your potential buyers have needs, passions, strengths and weaknesses. Your #1 goal is to build a long term relationship. Salesmanship is not about using tricks to fool the buyer into pulling out a credit card. You should instead be working to get to know the buyer and understand his/her desires, interests and needs. You can get the relationship off on the right foot by doing several simple things. First, be bold when you introduce yourself. Extend your hand and say “good afternoon, I am Bill Smith, this is my art.” Second, ask potential buyers for their names then learn those names! This is not the time for you to say “but I am terrible with names.” Learning names is a skill, and it is a skill you must work to develop if you want to build strong relationships. As soon as I hear names I try to repeat them back to the customers, “nice to meet you Jim and Nancy,” and I then repeat the names over and over in my mind to cement them in my short term memory. I also write the names down as soon as I can. Third, ask a lot of questions. The best way to get to know someone is to get them talking about themselves. When you are interacting with buyers, your goal should be to have them talking about 75-80% of the time. I find many artists and even gallery staff who think they should be doing most of the talking when they are trying to sell, when actually the opposite is true. Tell a Story While a great piece of art will attract a buyer, a great story will sell it. I meet many artists who feel they should let the art speak for itself. This ignores an important human interest in narrative. While each buyer is going to bring their own interpretation to a work of art, they are also interested in your inspiration. They want to understand the process for creating the art. What you tell them about the piece will become a part of the narrative they share with friends, family and business associates who see the art in their home or office. Give your Potential Buyers Space While it is important to engage potential buyers and tell them a story about the art, it is also critical to give them some space. I find selling art to be a little dance. I will introduce myself and start to get to know the potential buyers, and then I will step back to let them look at the art. When they pause in front of a piece, I come back in to tell them about the work and the artist, before stepping back again to let them discuss the art. This is especially important when working with a couple. You want to allow them to discuss the art without feeling like you are hovering over them. Giving customers space is easy in a gallery setting, but even in a small booth at a weekend art show, or in your studio, find a way to back off enough to give clients some privacy. You might have to step several feet out of the booth, or go to another room of your studio. Before making a purchase, buyers want to discuss the decission. They want to know for sure that spouses or partners feel the same about the art that they do. Far better for you to give them some space than to have them wait until they leave to have a frank discussion. Ask for the Close Too many sales are lost simply because the artist or gallery salesperson didn’t come right out and ask for the sale. Asking buyers to commit can seem a little scary at first. You might feel like you are taking a risk by asking. What if they don’t really like the art? What if they say “no”? You face a far greater risk if you don’t try to close the sale: someone who loves a piece might not end up buying simply because they weren’t given the opportunity. Even when a client says “no,” you are in a better position than you would have been had you not asked – now you can find out why they don’t want to buy and help them overcome any obstacles that might be in the way. The next time you have someone interested in a piece, try asking “Can I wrap that up for you?” or “Would you like to put that on a credit card?” You might be surprised when the customer simply says “yes!” Obviously these are only a few of the steps involved in making a sale, and I have only briefly touched on them. My goal here is not to give you a comprehensive guide; rather I want you to begin actively thinking about salesmanship. Salesmanship is a process, and salesmanship skills can be learned and developed. In the coming weeks and months I look forward to sharing more of what I have learned over the years about the fine art of selling fine art, so check back often for additional articles on the mechanics of making sales. I want to hear about your sales experiences. What do you find most challenging about selling? What mistakes have you made in the past when trying to sell your art? What tips can you share that have helped you makes sales in the past? Share your thoughts below in the comments. Please note that these comments are moderated (to keep out spam) so it may take a day or two for your comments to appear. I look forward to the discussion! Jason Horejs | Owner - Xanadu GalleryJason Horejs is the Owner of Xanadu Gallery, author of best selling books "Starving" to Successful & How to Sell Art , publisher of, and founder of ARTsala. Jason has helped thousands of artists prepare themselves to more effectively market their work, build relationships with galleries and collectors, and turn their artistic passion into a viable business. Connect with me on Google+ o edit. She is here!!! In our infinite Gallery
My friend Carmen, Architect in Paris and Photograph In Heart. Enjoy this collection dear friends! Come and visit, contact Carmen and purchase beautiful photo compositions and colours! We love them ! Dear Artists and Art lovers Today I fnally reserved this place for Saturday FIRST OF JULY for our first Open Air Art event !!! yayyyy In Meilen-Zurich, on the Place of the City Hall, which you see in this photos The City Hall was very happy to receive us on the place, We will pay only the Security, Electricity, the Screens and Acoustic installations, the posters and flyers, the big Tent which will be a Dome and the Stands on which the artists will expose. These costs will be divided between the number of Artists and announced this week. I surely look also for sponsoring, but I think if we are more than 50 artists, on this surface, we can have a low (what is low in Zürich?) payment for each. I would love to know if you want to participate, by subscribing also our website which pays the publicity and organize the event with this yearly subscriptions. I cannot do it if you do not make your payment on For those who do not want to be on our website, but want to see their artworks shown on a screen, you can send your photos. You enter the site in artist subscription and see the instruction on the event payment. I hope many will take the yearly fee and come also on place, it is on the Gold Coast of Zurich Lake. We have here the possibility to show us in a big group and touch the Golden Coast inhabitants, Zurich, Central Schweiz and also people coming from Romand Schweiz. I will keep you informed and show you the plans and the organization, when I will have the permit from all the town services. We cannot do it just like this, there are many rules to keep and to be approved. Luckilly, as I am architect, I can draw the permit. Please come to subscribe on our website as an artist till 10 of June 2017 if you want to exhibit on the place 5-10-15 pieces of your art. We will see about it when we know how many we will be. LOVE to you all She just entered with her beautiful artwork in our infinite Gallery
Ana Maria Fociuc is our special artist today and brings us her serenity and her force "I encourage those of you who would like to acquire one of my paintings to try to sense if you feel attracted by the painting, just as you are attracted to a human being" AMF Vernissage coming the 3rd May 2017 18.00-20.30 in Kronen Galerie - painter Gabrielle Widmer4/25/2017 The last Artist coming on our infinite Gallery, Gertrud Venetz, amazes us with her artwork.4/25/2017 FOR ARTISTS FROM ZURICH:
IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST SINCE 2 YEARS IN ZURICH, The TOWN IS PAYING YOU ONE YEAR MAX IN AN ATELIER IN NEW YORK, CALL FOR INFO ABOUT THE COMPETITION SEHE UNTEN UND RUFE AN, ICH WEISS NICHT MEHR ALS DAS New Yorker (Stadt ZH) Trägerschaft Institution: Stadt Zürich Adresse: Stadthaus PLZ/Ort: 8022 Zürich Telefon: +41 44 412 31 24 Fax: +41 44 212 14 04 E-Mail: [email protected] Atelier Ateliername: New Yorker (Stadt ZH) Adresse: 459 West Broadway SN PLZ/Ort: 10012 New York City Telefon: +1 212 673 01 22 Fax: +1 212 673 36 53 Anzahl Ateliers: 2 Raum: Wohn- und Arbeitsraum (je ca. 50 m2) Seit: 1975 Kontaktperson Name: Barbara Basting E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: +41 (0)44 412 3031 Mietkosten / zusätzliche Stipendien Kosten für die BenutzerInnen: keine zusätzliche Stipendien: ja Betrag: CHF 20'000.00/Jahr Vergabe des Ateliers / Bedingungen Vergabe an: KünstlerInnen, die seit mindestens 2 Jahren in Zürich wohnen | Voraussetzung ist eine Auszeichnung am jährlich stattfindenden Wettbewerb für bildende Kunst Kunstsparte(n): bildende Kunst Alter: ohne Einschränkungen Aufenthaltsdauer: 1 Jahr Kosten / Finanzierung des Ateliers Miete: CHF 24'000.00/Jahr Finanzierung: Stadt Zürich Diverse Angaben Kanton: Zürich Land: United States Austauschprogramm: nein Click hereHello, dear artists, if you want to go for 1 - 3 month to Bucarest, participate till the 10th of april for a CREATION RESIDENCE. They OFFER a living place for the artist, materials, logistic help, visits, international network, acces to installations
Wish you a wonderful day! more here: Bucharest AiR - résidence de création Bucharest AIR est une association artistique et culturelle à Bucarest. Période de résidence : 1 à 3 mois, 2017-2018. Ce programme offre le logement, les matériaux, l'aide logistique, les visites culturelles, réseau local et international, l'accès aux installations. Conditions : Ouvert aux artistes plasticiens, tous médiums, arts numériques, vidéos et visuels, écrivains, commissaires et critiques, sans restriction, qui font preuve d'un intérêt particulier et authentique pour une période de travail et de vie en Roumanie. Candidature : Dossier (portfolio, CV, proposition de projet) à envoyer par mail. Love to all Ina to edit. Stefan Caduff joined us on the infinite Gallery. Thank you for accepting this adventure of arts !3/19/2017
Every applicant will become part of the Art Basel Art Weeks 2017 in Basel. We are organising a very large art project which is moving around the world and is stopping at the best art locations in the world. As it stands, Art Basel is the most important art trade fair in the international art market. Every year, during these days in June, artists, art collectors, gallery owners and many VIPs meet up in Basel. A large proportion of the roughly 90,000 visitors travel via the Euroairport. The Euroairport welcomes around 7.1 million visitors per year! THE ARTBOX.PROJECT Basel 1.0 will take place on Euroairport’s events platform, next to the giant “Luminator” sculpture by Jean Tinguely. Jean Tinguely is an internationally recognised sculptor and the number one representative of kinetic art. The exhibition takes place on a surface measuring 300m² and is open daily during Art Basel Art Week from 4am-midnight from 14 June - 18 June 2017. All registered pieces of artwork are displayed on an oversized screen. Each piece of artwork (labelled with the name of the artist and the name of the artwork) will be on the screen for a substantial amount of time, and will be visible multiple times. A judging panel chooses 25 semi-finalists and 5 finalists from all of the registered pieces of artwork; all 30 artists may display their registered original piece of artwork. There will be a public vote during the exhibition. The winner will receive a collaborative contract with THE ARTBOX.GALLERY Switzerland. The closing date for registration is 30 April 2017.
Your infinite Gallery is online. We match artists with the art lovers. We want to build an international artists, designers,musicians... movement, to organize our events around the World, only with our annual contribution, no % and no other fees. The more we are, the more we can show our art to a large public, in different places which we will be able to rent. We are not a "classical" Gallery, we let you free to be contacted from the platform and sell. You are independent, but participate to the gallery. When we will be enough People, we will turn around the World. I know it is hard to believe, this will take a time, but is as I see the new CHIC and is made for all the Generations to come. Do you agree it is a way of crowdfunding? I see it like this. Crowdartfunding... We wait for you and your artists friends to subscribe - this will give us possibilites to publish us more. Hope you got it! Have a great Sunday! Ina Zh instagram contact @inazurich email [email protected] |
AuthorIna Pam - entre art et architecture, la vie Sell Your Art OnlineART LOVERSArchives
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